
Identifying, connecting and developing competencies. That is our challenge.

Are you looking for a no-nonsense partner in HR consultancy? The Orpsy assessment and development center helps you analysedevelop or maximise the potential of your team. We promise you expertise and customisation for your organisation in the privatesocial profitnon-profit or public sector. As an individual talent, you can also turn to Orpsy for career coaching and career development.

We are familiar with all sectors.

Private service organisations, industrial companies, hospitals, socially oriented organisations and governments can all rely on Orpsy for targeted expertise. Multinational or SME? Do not expect anything less from us than a personal approach that seamlessly meets your needs and demands. Orpsy is active throughout the country as well as internationally, from lower management to senior executive management and board levels.

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Our HR experts are always ready to help you.

Well-founded advice, professionalism, deontology and fast procedures are our basic principles. For this, we count on a strong team of consultants. They are reliable and professional, and together with you they look for concrete and definitive solutions. These are commitments we will never compromise.

Are you a candidate at Orpsy? This is what you may expect during the first meeting.

You will be welcomed in a professional and relaxed environment. You will receive specific information beforehand, depending on the purpose, the intended advice and the duration of your visit. The procedures followed at an assessment center, development center or for career coaching will be explained in detail. We abide by two-way traffic: your questions are answered immediately, but your feedback is also decisive for us.


Does our offer give you ideas?

New intern!

We are delighted to announce that Anna has joined us as an intern! She will do an internship with us from September to March, through which we hope to let...

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