We are specialised in your sector and know which competencies you need.
Orpsy offers a specific approach for each sector. Our test tools, case studies and interaction exercises are customised. The recognisability ( face validity ) of the tools is an enormous added value for the candidates. After all, they are most effective in a familiar context making the test more realistic and the final advice more adequate. Upon request, we will gladly provide you with specific references from your sector.

private sector
Our most extensive experience lies in the private sector. Every year we carry out assignments for industrial companies, (technical) sales companies, FMCG, trading companies and various commercial services organisations. Local companies, SMEs as well as multinationals rely on our counselling and advice. What could a collaboration look like?
- Your senior management team needs to be strengthened with a new Vice President Engineering. There are three internal candidates. Orpsy will test them during an executive full day assessment center. We will provide you with a comparative report stating a clear final advice.
- You are in the final stage of the selection process and you can’t decide between two external candidates. You would like to test their commercial and negotiation skills more thoroughly. We invite the candidates for a half day assessment with mainly realistic in-tray exercises and role plays. We will map out their commercial style for you.
- Your deputy sales manager qualifies as a full sales manager after four months. He or she has potential that needs to be further developed. The employee visits Orpsy for a development center. Afterwards, we discuss the coaching options with you, and decide whether to continue with the process or not.
- You need a country manager for your foreign branch. You would like extra selection advice, but the candidate you have in mind can’t come to us. We will organise an online assessment, combined with a remote virtual in-depth interview and role play.
Are you faced with the challenge of filling in a competency the best way?
social and non-profit sector
Many of our clients are active in the social and non-profit sector, such as hospitals, residential care centers, counselling organisations, home care and non-profit organisations in the youth and recreation sector. We have developed specific exercises and assessment tools for this purpose. How, for instance, do we respond to the specific needs in your sector?
- In your team of head nurses, three employees are candidates to develop into the role of care manager. In line with the competency manual of the hospital, we will organise an interaction-oriented assessment including a case study, in-tray exercise and role play that take place in a hospital environment. The session also includes a personality and leadership questionnaire. We will draw up a comparative report, including a strength-weakness analysis.
- After the merger of two non-profit organisations, the staff services are merged. The entire team will be appointed new roles. You wish to identify the right competencies in order to arrive at the best team composition. We will evaluate the candidates and match them to the various roles in the renewed team.
- You are looking for a new general manager for your residential care centre. There is one internal candidate and one external candidate. In consultation with you, we will determine the most important competencies which we measure in the development center for the internal candidate and in the assessment center for the external candidate. Both candidates will be tested on the same day in a group session.
- You have a small non-profit organisation and want to be assisted in the appointment of a new planning official. You would like to receive specific advice on stress tolerance, planning skills and accuracy. To this end, we will organise a mini assessment.
Does your organisation want 'the right (wo)man for the job'? Or are you looking for the right balance in your team?

public services
Public authorities, such as provinces, cities, municipalities and PSACs, have a specific reality with typical procedures and regulations. Our specialists are familiar with public tenders, requests for quotations and the individuality of public services. An example?
- As a result of a tendering procedure, we supervise the selection process for the appointment of a new secretary for the municipality or the OCMW. In addition to the various recruitment and selection phases, we also manage the complete planning and administration of this procedure.
- We will perform assessment centers for the final candidates for the position of technical head of department. The assessment report will be used as support during the oral test of the successful candidates.
- Your municipality is looking for a new communication manager. We organise psycho-technical tests (aptitude tests) for the candidates. In addition to the written report, we arrive at a final score using a points system, with the possible results of passed, passed with remarks or not passed.
- We are involved in drawing up a written exam for an open position and sit on the jury during the oral test. During the final assessment and deliberation, we give our input as an external jury member.

Does out approach bring you ideas?

Our HR experts are always ready to help you.
Well-founded advice, professionalism, deontology and fast procedures are our basic principles. For this, we count on a strong team of consultants. They are reliable and professional, and together with you they look for concrete and definitive solutions. These are commitments we will never compromise.